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Corvis Paintings
Historical Drawings
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Art Bio
Corvis Paintings
Historical Drawings
Music Bio
painting as Corvis White
The Sugar House, First Snow 2022 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White
Along the Bunny Trail, 2022, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Easter. Sun Day, 2022, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Thaw, Moxie New Year, 2021, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Stand, 2021, 20x16” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Thaw on the Andro, 2021, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
First Blush, 2022, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Fallen Leader, Spring on the Swift, 2021, 20x16” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Remembrance, 2022, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
Laocoön and Ferns, Poplar Stream, 2023, 16”x20”. Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White $600
Meeting at Ghost Tree Point, 2024, 16”x20”. Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White
"Fernal" Equinox, 2023, 16"x20" Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White
Ferns and Rocks- Meditation Solstice, 2024. 16"x20" Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White
Late Ice, South Arm, 2024, 18”x24” Acrylic on Canvas by Phil Poirier. $1300
Andrew's World: an Homage, 2023, 12” x 24” Acrylic on canvas by Phil Poirier. NFS
The Meeting Place, Fry Brook, 16”x20”, Acrylic on Canvas, by Phil Poirier 2024. $1000
[email protected]
(They have their forever homes!)
Mystery at Cooper Brook, 2022, 20”x16” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White. Collection of Mark and Antoinette Metivier
Epiphany at Baldwin Hill- Collection of Alix Hopkins
Hush- Collection of Karl and Lorelei Mayer
Equinox Sunrise- Collection of Deb Burd
Inlook- Collection of Chris Bushman
New Year, Moxie- Collection of John and Lisa Gallagher
Autumn in the Vesper Woods- Collection of Rock and Stephani Bjorn
Misdummer, Downlook, 2023, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White. Collection of Keith and Linda Davis
The Vesper Woods, 2022 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White. Collection of Keith and Linda Davis
Turning Point, Blue Brook, 2021, 20x16” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White. Collection of Cindy Langewisch and Nick Rehagen
Morning Grace- 2024, 16”x20”. Acrylic on linen . PBN by Corvis White. Collection of Karl and Lorelei Mayer
Tranquility Base- The Point, 16x20 acrylic on linen, Corvis PBN. Collection of Michael Poirier and Caro Pope
Sugar Moon, 2022, 20x16” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White.
First Morning, Moxie New Year, 2022 16”x20”Acrylic on linen. PBN by Corvis White
Troutdale Morning, 2023, 16”x20” Acrylic on linen PBN by Corvis White (SPOKEN FOR!)
Corvis White
[email protected]